Dear Abi,
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those driven by hope and those driven by fear. With these there are failures and there are those who succeed. You either escape the fear or achieve your hope. To both these are measures of success. I for one walk the fine line between the two. Whether fence sitting will be considered a virtue in this circumstance, remains for the eyes of the beholder. For in my battle to find meaning there is beauty defined in the blurred lines. As they say, all is fair in love and war, but what is just to a heart that does not find love.
I hope you read this. Though we are yet to meet. I hope in between the lines you read the undertone of lovemaking in a sea of emotions, surfing on the waves of passion, attraction and pure instinct. At the end of this letter let there not be a fullstop but a comma. Symbolism to the yet to be written when we do meet.
I fear that you may have found someone else. He who looks at you like sunrise, your skin next to his like rays boiling the blood in his veins and fuelling an ignition to his secondary brain. I may be too late and you may well be in love with him.
And so I tread the fine line knowing that achieving my hope and escaping my fear will both be measures of success.
I hope you love poetry and words. Rise in the morning to coffee and sudoku. Alice in a Wonderland filled with books and stories of heroines and humanity in distress. The hope that you will be my type and the fear that i may not be yours. I fight to win this battles but the struggle still continues.
But before we travel through time to the crossroad at which we meet. I can only imagine your beauty in the reflection of moonlight on a warm and humid night as we lay together staring at the stars and know that when that time arrives, I shall find peace.
Yours truly